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    Birdhouses are not just a way to draw birds to your home and / or garden. It is also a form of decorative display and creative expression. 
    Meet Oneika Brooks. She’s smart, kind, and business savvy; however, she draws you in with her meek demeanor. Although she’s gentle spirited and soft spoken, her eyes light up when talking about her passion— creating unique birdhouses.

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    Food & Dining


    Our first encounters with living things in our lives started with Mom or Dad telling us what it was called – its common name. And for me, those are the ones that I remember best. But, for other folks, those names may not be the same as mine. The shrub I call Mamou is Coral Bean to others. Same plant, with one scientific name, Erythrina herbacea

    Five years have passed since the grass covered lot in Moss Point began its journey toward restoration to a mature natural wetland. To look at it now, it can appear to untrained eyes to be a mess – a tangled thicket of weeds and shrubs that, well, looks messy. Let me tell you why it is not and what it will look like as it continues its journey to a mature Bayhead Swamp that it is meant to be.